但我倒想知道你内心的渴望 你敢不敢梦想自己美梦成真的那一刻?
但我想知道 你敢不敢像个为爱疯狂的痴心汉那样 勇敢为自己的梦想去冒险?
但我想知道 你是否曾经深入自己的悲伤 生命中的各种背叛是否使你心胸更开阔
我想知道 你是否能和悲伤共处 而不是一味地只是逃避它或忽视它?
我想知道 你是否能够完全体会自己和他人的喜悦?你是否能够尽情狂舞 心醉神迷地手舞足蹈
完全无视于旁人的眼光 不再有任何矜持
我不再乎你是否对我说了真话 我只想知道 你是否为了诚实对待自己而欺骗他人
你是否能够忍受别人的背叛 而不去背叛自己的灵魂?
我想知道你是否看见万物之美丽 即使它们的样子并不讨喜?
我想知道 你能否和挫败共处 站在高处对着银色的满月大喊:我可以!
你要住在那里 拥有多少的财富 这些我都没有兴趣
但我想知道 在历尽整夜的悲伤 失望和疲惫之后 你是否按时起床为你的孩子准备早餐?
你的经历是什么 读过什么书 我对这些没兴趣
但我想知道 当其它人的垮下来时 能够支撑你的是什么力量?
我想知道 你能否自己独处 即使在空虚的时刻 你也能以独处为乐?
Monday, November 2, 2009
I need to know
Painstakingly Created by
marco THE crazyhorse
11:29 PM
heartburning issues
Labels, Tags LIFE, Relationships, Self-help
Thursday, September 3, 2009
No love, no glory
No hero in her skies
Painstakingly Created by
marco THE crazyhorse
3:31 AM
heartburning issues
Labels, Tags Relationships
Thursday, August 13, 2009
One Year Journey, No Destination In Sight
It has been ONE YEAR, lots of places were visited, lots of activities carried out, lots of weight, experience and knowledge gained and understanding forged.
Places we visited together:
Rendang, Malaysia
Kota Tinggi, Malaysia
Tokyo, Japan
Kawakujiko, Japan
Batam, Indonesia
Places in Singapore that are memorable:
Changi Boardwalk (very happy to revisit the place)
Hort Park (bringing you back very soon)
Botanic Gardens (very nice lawn and the greenery soothes the heat in Singapore)
La Villa (very good atmosphere for hanging out)
Charcoal (our first meal together)
Tan Tock Seng Hospital (your workplace for almost a year)
Singapore Flyer (well worth the money because I went for it with you)
Upper Seletar Reservoir (nice scenic place)
East Coast Park (one of our favorite places to sit and chill)
The National Library (because you love books)
Marina Barrage (such a beautiful place, its lucky we went before the new Integrated resort was up)
The place with a pretty sail
Bottle Tree Restaurant in Sembawang
Palau Ubin (my first time to the part of the island which is not OBS)
Sentosa Beaches
Restaurants that was memorable (be it for the good food, arguments we had or love we shared):
Japanese Ramen Restuarants (the food is so good and this is where I gained my double chin - will lose it soon)
HK Cafe in Kovan ( we had a small squabble here, but make up real fast)
Charcoal (food was not good, but I heart the place because its the first place we dined at)
Crystal Jade Chinese Restaurant (where we queued up for dinner and the aftermath was very bad)
Experiences and Knowledge Gained:
Never had I run a marathon with such an ardent supporter - Tokyo Marathon 2009 (I can do it again)
The movies we shared together and the warmth I have in my arms.
Medical Knowledge
Learning to ride a bike, fly a kite and take a bus to Malaysia.
Understanding your character and taking time to convince you
This post is dedicated to Miss Ong Aili, girlfriend and fiancee of 1 year now.
Thank you for being such a wonderful, lovely, bubbly, beautiful and thoughtful girlfriend.
ps. the journey is estimated to go on for at least 60 years, WOOHOO
Painstakingly Created by
marco THE crazyhorse
3:06 PM
heartburning issues
Labels, Tags Relationships, Self-help